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Birds of a Feather

As your searching for the right companion pet you a bird might come to mind. One question that might come up is which species is for me? Well if you find yourself asking that particular question then it is suffice to say that almost none of the larger parrots are in the mix. The larger parrots can be more alluring with their amazing colors and wonderful abilities. However, these birds ARE NOT for everyone.
Medium to large parrots require much more dedication than their smaller counterparts. Just because your friends Macaw will wave and dance doesn’t mean that yours will. Birds such as macaws, cockatoos, amazons, and greys are far more demanding than say Budgie’s, lovebirds, and cockatiels. It is far more beneficial to get some practice in way before taking on the more “impressive” birds.
Ultimately it is up to you but a caution must be given in advance. Most of the larger birds will go through a period of sexual maturity that lasts from months to years. During this time, the amazon that you once knew may try to take a crack at you. Hey you know what? He or she may even break the skin with one of his or her attacks. Most parrots that go through this end up being sold or given away because the owners could not “deal” with this part of a birds development.
Another aspect to getting a medium to large parrot species is the amount of time that is required from you day in and day out. All of these animals need AT LEAST 5 hours out of their cage per day. Most of that TIME should be spent with you. If for whatever reason you stop devoting that amount of TIME with your parrot then it just might begin more pulling its’ feathers out.
So honestly we have to ask ourselves a question. Is being owned by one of the astonishing creatures better for us with our lifestyle or is it beneficial for the parrot? If you can say yes to the later then you might can consider a larger parrot as a pet. Please take a self-less look into owning one of the larger parrots because most of what is involved are self-less acts.If your looking for a bird as a companion pet and the larger parrots don’t quite fit look into the Budgies (Parakeets), Lovebirds, or Cockatiels.
Thanks for Reading! James Ward


Made With Love from Your Pet Owners

Sometimes store bought toys and accessories aren’t enough. You may find yourself in a local pet shop wondering about searching for the right parrot toy but, it seems like everything in there just doesn’t fit what is in mind. The perfect branch to fit into your lizard terrarium seems useless. Why not make or find it yourself?
There are tons of creative ideas that can be done to make your pet his or her next toy or accessory. Many times most get into the daily hustle and bustle of going to the pet shop and searching for the perfect item for their pet. Often times it just seems easier to just buy it and take it home. Wouldn’t it buy more “authentic” if it was either made or found by you?
There is a vast array of information on how to make toys for your pets on the web. Here are just a few:
Sites for making bird toys
· http://www.birdsnways.com/birds/ideas.htm - g0123054
· http://www.fluffies.org/parrottoymaking.htm
· http://www.tailfeathersnetwork.com/birdinformation/homemadetoys.php
· http://birds.about.com/od/livingwithabird/ss/homemadetoys.htm
Sites for making Cat Toys
· http://www.felinexpress.com/cat-care/homemade-toys.asp
· http://cats.lovetoknow.com/Homemade_Cat_Toys
· http://www.cat-lovers-gifts-guide.com/homemade-cat-toys.html

Sites for making Dog Toys
· http://www.make-and-build-dog-stuff.com/homemade-dog-toys.html
· http://www.dogtopics.com/177/ideas-for-homemade-dog-toys/
· http://www.puppydogworld.com/the-guides-dog-homemade-dog-toys/

Reptile lovers out there, most things that you can find in nature can be sanitized and placed into terrariums. One thing to keep in mind when choosing an item is make sure the area it is found hasn’t been sprayed with pesticides or any other chemicals. After that then place the item in a hot bath and add a cup of bleach for an hour. Once that is finished wrap the item in aluminum foil and bake it in the oven on 300 F for an hour. This should be sanitized enough to keep herps safe. (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100512161554AACvJPc)
Thanks for Reading! Sorry for the untimely post. James Ward

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